I was walking down the street and struck with this dilemma. Coming across the street was someone who is causing my life pure misery, hell to be blunt. I sigh, man just cannot get away from this person, it seems like they haunt me everywhere. The sight of the person causes my heart rate to rise, a sizzle of intensity, just a plain dislike for this person to be named or be seen. As I ponder these feelings and wish I had them not, I see a bus coming down the road. As I gaze and follow it's path, I realize it is going to hit this person who emotionally I wish did not have to be in my presence, ever again.
I quickly calculate the speed of the bus, the guess of the burst of my speed, voice and capability, can I move this person who I despise out of the way of the bus and yet not put myself in jeopardy. Wouldn't that just be great, I end up in the hospital while they still are running around free and causing harm to others and maybe even laughing at my misfortune. What do I do, what would you do?
It's another day, another battle with a sworn enemy. The fight is very intense, challenging and maybe evenly matched. My opponent struggles with me and in his release looses his balance and puts himself in a precarious position. A position which seems to say "I won the fight" But I did not win, it was an accident from the result of another action. I did not pin him, force him to say uncle, regardless though, his mistake is my opportunity, isn't it. As I evaluate my opponents position, I realize death is evident for him, he will slip from his precarious position, I want to walk away, knowing this person and their grief will never effect me again. At the same time, I know if I reach out to help him, pull him to safety I will then put myself in a precarious position and be vulnerable to my enemy. Meaning, my enemy could save himself while at the same time causing me to fall to my demise. What do I do, what do you think you would do.
I will post my thoughts to these questions soon.
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